柏傲莊 I
The Pavilia Farm I
The Pavilia Farm I
柏傲莊 I
柏傲莊 I
The Pavilia Farm I
The Pavilia Farm I
柏傲莊 I
Vendor: MTR Corporation Limited (As “Owner”) Lucrative Venture Limited (As “Person So Engaged”) (Note: “Owner” Means The Legal Or Beneficial Owner Of The Residential Properties In The Phase, And “Person So Engaged” Means The Person Who Is Engaged By The Owner To Co-Ordinate And Supervise The Process Of Designing, Planning, Constructing, Fitting Out, Completing And Marketing The Phase. Holding Company Of The Vendor: Holding Company Of The Owner (MTR Corporation Limited) Not Applicable Holding Company Of The Person So Engaged (Lucrative Venture Limited) New World Development Company Limited
The Pavilia Farm IPrice Lists
The Pavilia Farm IPayment Schemes & Bonus
The Pavilia Farm ISales Status
The Pavilia Farm ISales State
The Pavilia Farm IPrice/ft² of comparable estates
The Pavilia Farm IFloor Plans
The Pavilia Farm IProperty Location
Sha Tin
18 Che Kung Miu Road
News (Chinese only)
Recommend Agent
Address of website designated by the vendor for the development: https://www.thepaviliafarm.com.hk
Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform (“SRPE”): http://srpe.gov.hk
The purpose of the Register of Transactions of the Development is to provide a member of the public with the transaction information relating to the Development, as set out in Register of Transactions for understanding the residential property market conditions in Hong Kong. The personal data in the Register of Transactions should not be used for any purpose not related to the specified purpose.
請注意: 上述所載的資料及素材(「該等素材」)在賣方就發展項目指定的互聯網網站及/或一手住宅物業銷售資訊網取得,其準確性及真實性以官方紀錄為準,香港置業代理 有限公司(“本公司”)無法就該等素材內容的準確性及/或真實性作岀任何承諾及保證,亦不會就此向任何因使用或倚賴該等素材而蒙受任何損失或損害的人士負上任何責任。該等素材只供參考。在籌備該等素材時,雖已作出合理謹慎措施,但本公司及/或本集團的任何成員不會就該等素材之完整性、準確性、及時性及可靠性,或該等素材適合某特定用途,作出任何形式的陳述或保證(不論是明示或隱含的),亦不保證該等素材與賣方就發展項目指定的互聯網網站及/或一手住宅物業銷售資訊網同步更新內容,閣下需自行向賣方/一手住宅物業銷售監管局查証以取得最新資料。“本集團”指(i) 本公司; (ii)本公司之任何控股公司、附屬公司及/或相聯公司; (iii) 其他與本公司屬同一集團的公司及; (iv)在上述(i)、(ii) 及/或(iii)內提及的任何公司的董事、人員及僱員。藉着閱覽該等素材,即代表閣下已無條件同意本條款及條件。倘若閣下不接納本條款及條件,請點擊此處,離開本網頁。
*This Registration of Intent does not constitute any specific expression intent to purchase any particular residential property or the seeking of any such expression of intent. OR Submit tenders of the specified residential properties.