Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
+852 29278888
+852 23143646
高素麗 Niki Ko
Niki Ko 高素麗
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Senior Account Director (S-312734)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock192
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersExcellence in Customer Service Agent Nominated by supervisor/complimented by customers in written formElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant training
No. of stock192
張啟榮 Dennis Cheung
Dennis Cheung 張啟榮
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Assistant Sales Manager (S-130059)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock108
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersCPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant training
No. of stock108
羅佩施 Suke Law
Suke Law 羅佩施
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Account Director (S-245825)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock62
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant training
No. of stock62
吳紹華 Mass Ng
Mass Ng 吳紹華
Senior Account Manager (S-219213)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock54
No. of stock54
鄭曉隆 Kazaf Cheng
Kazaf Cheng 鄭曉隆
Senior Account Manager (S-567857)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock35
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersCPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant training
No. of stock35
鄭家寶 April Cheng
April Cheng 鄭家寶
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Principal Account Director (S-258037)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock29
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersDistinguished Salesperson Award (DSA) Winner of DSA (Distinguish Salesperson Award), a worldwide recognition of sales professionals, organized by Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)CPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearExcellence in Customer Service Agent Nominated by supervisor/complimented by customers in written formElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant training
No. of stock29
甄熹曼 Minnie Yan
Minnie Yan 甄熹曼
Property Consultant (S-661908)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock21
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersCPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant training
No. of stock21
倪曉毅 Gilbert Ngai
Gilbert Ngai 倪曉毅
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Account Manager (S-490080)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock18
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock18
唐麗敏 Josie Tong
Josie Tong 唐麗敏
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Senior Account Manager (S-338721)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock15
Elite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock15
馮高 Joe Feng
Joe Feng 馮高
Digital Marketing Specialist Certification
Account Manager (S-550432)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock11
CPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one year
No. of stock11
洪麗紅 Ivy Hung
Ivy Hung 洪麗紅
Property Consultant (S-649994)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock9
No. of stock9
楊永華 Sunny Yeung
Sunny Yeung 楊永華
Account Manager (S-050537)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock8
CPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearExcellence in Customer Service Agent Nominated by supervisor/complimented by customers in written form
No. of stock8
張錢芬 Nicole Zhang
Nicole Zhang 張錢芬
Senior Account Manager (S-656668)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
No. of stock2
No. of stock2
吳小筠 Jocelyn Wu
Jocelyn Wu 吳小筠
Senior Account Manager (S-555084)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
文家興 Tony Man
Tony Man 文家興
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Account Director (S-495735)
Kowloon Station Res.(Lux.) - Austin Station Branch
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members