Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
+852 26681123
+852 26286066
黃雁蓉 Justina Wong
Justina Wong 黃雁蓉
Practice, Legal, Sales and IT Certification
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Property Consultant (S-616498)
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
No. of stock186
CPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one year
No. of stock186
林曉桐 Shirley Lam
Shirley Lam 林曉桐
Senior Account Manager (S-587897)
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
No. of stock59
CPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one year
No. of stock59
胡冠文 Man Wu
Man Wu 胡冠文
Senior Account Manager (S-347126)
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
No. of stock48
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnover
No. of stock48
朱碧芬 Ruby Chu
Ruby Chu 朱碧芬
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Account Director (S-436375)
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
No. of stock22
Best Agent - Sales Turnover Agent with the highest turnoverElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersCPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearExcellence in Customer Service Agent Nominated by supervisor/complimented by customers in written form
No. of stock22
陶琴 Sammy To
Sammy To 陶琴
Property Consultant (S-631562)
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
No. of stock21
CPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one year
No. of stock21
陳芷俊 Giga Chan
Giga Chan 陳芷俊
Senior Property Consultant (S-630101)
Kln. Res. (Lux.) - Mantin Heights Branch
No. of stock19
No. of stock19